Use this Vape° therapy temperature tool offline to help calculate minimum vaporizer temperatures for vaporizer therapies. This offline tool does NOT require special permissions and may run without an internet connection. This offline tool provides additional links to definitions using google's online search engine. Visit us online for additional features; such as, filtering and sorting elements, properties, remedies, temperatures and by types.
VAPING TIP: Starting the temperature at 314°F (THC-9) for morning and day time usage, and then slowly increase in 10°F increments up to 364°F until the material no longer produces vapor. At and above 365°F the elements release a multitude of sedative effects that could potentially be more beneficial for night time usage. Setting the temp too high may release toxic compounds and produce a burnt popcorn taste and the material should be discarded or infused into other products.
WHY VAPE?: Vaping is a smart choice for both medicinal as well as recreational users. Precise electronic temperature controls minimize the chance of over-medicating. Convection vaporizers seem to be more economically efficient than conduction units; because, the less materials are used and a small amount may last several sessions. The main difference is convection units only heat the materials when the hot air passes through the material; while conduction vaporizers continue to heat the material the entire time it the unit is turned on. High end vaporizers pay for themselves within a couple months through the positive health benefits; as well as, the high efficiency with materials. Enjoy vaping today, it's smarter than combustion!